Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Power of Choice

So many people limit their choices because they feel they have none. They are stuck by "golden handcuffs" (high salary, benefits, stock options, etc.) that keep them in a position they are very unsatisfied with. I believe people always have choices but that every choice comes with consequences, both good and bad. Sometimes it's the consequences that we fear that keep us stuck, but we do have choices!

One of my former clients, Barbara, felt slightly dissatisfied with her career opportunities at her job. At about the same time, she was getting calls from headhunters about other possibilities. She didn't consider any of them because she had a number of years vested in her current company. As we talked about her situation, she decided that there was no harm in exploring her options. So, she spoke with a potential employer and decided to interview with them. She flew from North Carolina to Dallas to meet with the other company. She found that they were willing to offer her more money and career growth than what she had. As she reviewed the offer and evaluated it, we discussed her options and concerns. We found that although it seemed like a lucrative offer, relocating her family and starting over wasn't something she really wanted to do....not even for the large sum of money they were offering to her.

Barbara chose to stay with her employer, but after the experience and gaining more self awareness about what was really important to her, she chose to meet with her management to propose changes in her job. They accepted her proposal and she was glad she chose to stay...even 7 years later when I touched base with her to see how she was doing!

We all have the power of choice in our own lives. When we don't make choices, we're not really in control of our own life.

We can choose to release what drains us and embrace what nourishes us. Realizing your life is the consequences of your choices becomes very empowering. If what you're doing isn't working for you, choose to change it!

Coach Natalie can help you make choices by being a sounding board and helping you explore your possiblities, brainstorming options, and empowering you to take control of your life.

Want to explore your options....take this assessment and see if you're ready for coaching!

Here's to you and the choices you make in your life!!

Yours truly,

Coach Natalie


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