
Today is ENERGIZE day! What a great day!!
I heard about energize day on the CBS morning news. It is acknowledged on the first day of fall. On this day you are encouraged to do something for your inner self.
Some examples: a bubble bath, reading, meditating, journaling, praying
I'd like to broaden this to what you can also to for your outer self, as well.
What can you do today to eNeRGize yourself???
Some examples shared at a presentation I gave yesterday for the PSG Career Network in Somerville, NJ include: running, cooking, strength training, helping others, hobbies, volunteering, animal welfare, music, cooking, dancing, painting, hiking, etc.
Visit my website: http://www.nrgcoaching.com/resources/articles.html and view the article I wrote some time ago about the Top 10 Positive Sources of Energy. This will give you some ideas of where to get started.
Send for your free report: The Top 10 Ways to Nourish Yourself by sending a blank email to natalie@theprioritypro.com with Nourish Yourself report in the subject line.
Labels: energizer, energy, motivation, personal effectiveness, self, tips
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