Wednesday, January 04, 2006

What's Super Busy??

Naming a book is a bit of a challenging process. When I began writing "Succeeding as a Super Busy Parent" I had a working title that I don't even remember anymore. However, I do recall that I changed my title several times and in the end selected the title based on input from subscribers to my free weekly e-newsletter.

Just about every time I was out at my children's activities and events I ran across other parents who told me they were "sooo busy" when I asked them how they were or what was new. It seemed to be a common theme for today's parents. Parents clearly are busy taking care of their family, home and self, maintaining relationships with others, and working inside or outside of the home. Children are enrolled in many activities that require a high level of commitment from the family, as well as the child. Competitive sports with arduous schedules are offered at increasingly early ages. There's little time left for anything else!

So, what's SuperBusy? Super Busy is the phrase I coined to reflect this busy-ness in society. Although parents may have different things on their plates from other parents and their children may be in more or less activities, each and every parent is definitely 'superbusy'. We try to do it all, be it all, and have it all. Unfortunately, sometimes when we're being superbusy in life we forget to live life. We forget to enjoy life. We forget about our true priorities. Sometimes, we also forget the practical advice, strategies and knowledge because we get tied up in the doing.

I've been there myself (more times than I want to admit)! I know how frustrating, exhilirating, anxiety-producing, and fun life can be. Utilizing more effective strategies, attitudes and behaviors will help you enjoy life more. I'll be sharing some tips and strategies, as well as personal mishaps and client stories in this BLOG. I also invite you to share your own experiences as a SuperBusy Parent here in this forum---the good and the bad. We all can learn from each others trials and tributes!

Coach Natalie Gahrmann

Welcome to Coach Natalie's Blog about Success Stories and Challenges of Super Busy Parents!