Friday, June 30, 2006

Making Prudent Decisions in your Super Busy Life

A prospective client asked me to provide some guidelines when making a decision because there is too much information and so many choices available today for just about anything. However, when life is super busy, it's prudent to use your time wisely.

She wanted to plant a perennial garden along her new front walkway. She needed some guidance about how to do this. She talked to a few people, some garden shops, and a farm in her area that rasies and sells native perennials. She chose to follow the advice of the native perennial folks.

It's important to have a process that will help you determine when you have enough information to make an informed decision. Too many people, especially those who like to do things perfectly (you know who you are!!), take too much time upfront in gathering data and making the decision and rarely get into action.

One of my clients wanted to remodel part of her basement to put in a home office. She decided that 3 contractors would be sufficient. She called them, scheduled an appointment, discussed the project with each, and received a proposal. She decided on the one that met her criteria the closest and hired him for the job.

Another client wanted to hire a professional organizer. She asked me for recommendtions. She also sought out other recommendtions. She had close to 20 recommendations on her list. As she began researching them and talking with them, she got bogged down in the process and didn't end up hiring anyone (yet!)

Often when people are seeking a coach, they'll contact me. If they aren't sure about what they're looking for, I'll recommend that they talk to about 3 others, and sometimes, I'll even give them recommendations about who to call based on what I'm hearing from them. This helps prospects make a decision and move ahead.

Limiting your research will help you avoid thinking about something indefinitely because it will provide some parameters. You need to make a choice on a way forward and move on it. Creating a decision-making process will help you maximize your time in your super busy life!

Got a dilemna? some advice? Contact Coach Natalie!

Yours truly,
Coach Natalie

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Keep your Love ALIVE in your Super Busy Life

In time-starved families, romance seems to slide by the wayside. Between demands at work and the never ending to do list of items at home, there's often little time left for connecting with your partner.

My husband leaves the house each morning at around 4:30 to commute into NYC for work. On a good night, he's home by 6 pm each evening. The kids have some activities at night. I have some meetings, presentations, and client coaching sessions in the evening. My husband has chores and other family responsibilities. So, it's difficult to find time to connect but we've managed to make some things a habit and they've worked pretty well for us.

My husband calls each morning when he arrives at work. It gives us an opportunity to connect and say "good morning". We discuss anything that's happening or needs to happen during the day and we say "I love you" when we hang up. We sometimes tease each other playfully to help us look forward to the evening ahead and to add some levity to the morning. We also connect briefly several times throughout the day through email or phone on most days.

My husband and I are best friends. We share a lot. However, we don't share confidential information about our friends, family or colleagues but we share our feelings, concerns, dreams, and fears. He is, by far, my biggest supporter. He believes in me and I believe in him. The other night, after being married 16 years and dating over 7, I had a huge realization about how our differences compliment each other. He is very logical and analytical, strong at math, great with finances, and very strong---he comes at most things through the head. I come at most things through the heart or my gut instincts. So, when dealing with my son the other day, I realized that my son was taking some of my husbands joking comments to heart. I didn't really say much at the time but later when we were lying in bed, I requested permission to share my opinion and observation. Knowing this could be sensitive, I wanted to demonstrate my respect for his strengths, so I did so lovingly and without accusation or offending. He heard me, took a while and thanked me for my input. Together we realized in that moment how we could compliment each other's opposite strengths. I felt so in love with him in that moment and still the next morning.

A client of mine remarked at how she saw her husband in a totally different light when she quietly stood in the background and watched as he interfaced with the children at a baseball game. Although he wasn't interested in sports, he volunteered to be an assistant coach for his son's team. He knew very little about sports. He brought something very unique and inspirational to the team through his commitment, patience, leadership, and understanding. He motivated the kids in such a wonderful way. When my client saw her husband in this new and different role, she smiled from the inside and outside and fell in love with him all over again.

Too often, we look for the big moments to keep our love alive with our partners but it's in the little moments of noticing who they are and how absolutely wonderful they are in even a small thing that makes such a big difference and helps you fall in love again.

What keeps your love alive? Email me with your stories, and if you'd like me to share, just say so. I won't share your story and/or your name without your permission.


Coach Natalie

Monday, June 26, 2006

Weed out NON-ESSENTIALS in your Super Busy Life

Many of the super busy parents I meet while traveling around to speak tell me how difficult it is for them to say "no" at home and work. This is a universal problem because we fear the consequences of saying "no". There are a number of reasons why people don't say "no" when they want to, but the most prevalent is that thay want to be liked and to please others.

Saying "no" is a powerful way to take control over your own life. If you're more used to people- pleasing then self-pleasing, start by making yourself a priority. You mat initially feel guilty, as manu of my clients have, but eventually, it gets easier as you develop the confidence and ability to use this skill.

There are a number of ways you can say "no". The best advice I can offer is to keep it simple (no lengthy explanation or justification) and say it strongly (no wimpy "n's").

If saying "no" is something you need help with, you can contact Coach Natalie for a free consultation session or schedule a 1-2 hour presentation at your work, church, professional organization, or club so that you can give the gift of saying "no" to your friends and colleagues.

Good luck!

Yours truly,

Coach Natalie