Set Realistic Expectations in Your Super Busy Life
I've been talking to many executive moms lately in preparation for an upcoming presentation. What I'm finding is that those with the highest rate of success in balancing and integrating their life have realistic expectations for themselves and others.
In one example, an executive level mom with boys ages 11 and 13 enjoys attending their baseball games. As soon as she receives their schedules at the start of the season, she puts every game on her calendar. She doesn't plan on attending every game because that would be unrealistic to accomplish. However, she attends when she can and she makes sure she's there when it's a championship game. She is thankful for those she can make and doesn't beat herself up for those she can't.
In another example, another senior level working mom has decided that time for herself will involved others in her family. Rather than having time solely to herself on the weekends, she shares her time with her family as a conscious choice and not something she resents doing. She carves out time to read fiction stories when she craves time alone. Otherwise, her expectation is to limit her alone time because she prefers being with her husband and children.
Realistic expectations around housework, children's behavior, work, travel/commuting time and even free time will help you stress less and enjoy more.
What can you be more realistic about?
Best regards,
Coach Natalie