Monday, September 11, 2006

Caring for the Grandparents in your Super Busy life

As if your life isn't busy enough working, caring for your children, husband and home, when your parents become ill it requires yet another balancing act. I've recently read about the rising statistics of the adult population requiring care for a disability, an illness, aging, and chronic conditions. So, in recognition of Grandparent's Day, which was yesterday in the US, I'd like to share some of what was in the article I read about how to accommodate work, caregiving for your parents, and all your other responsibilities.

I apparently live in one of the counties in NJ with not only one of the fastest growing county, but also that its over-85 population is the fastest growing age segment in the state. More than 60% of the caregivers work full- or part-time. And, although it used to be primarily the role of women (daughters), there is now an increasing number of men who make up the caregiver fact, it's almost 50%!

Caregivers experience a number of stresses, including navigating the health care system, processing insurance claims, researching available community resources, juggling finances, raising a family, and meeting the physical and emotional needs of a loved one who wants to maintain his/her independence--all while simultaneously still remaining a star employee--is no easy feat.

According to this article, the impact is felt not only by caregivers and their families, but also by employers due to an increase in absenteeism, replacement, productivity loss, and more. So, employers have a vested interest in designing responsive and effective programs to support their employees. Sensitivity, flexibility, empathy, and understanding can go along way! Employees with elder care concerns could be handled similarly to those with childcare issues.

Fortunately, I am not a caregiver yet. However, my parents and in-laws are aging and are developing more health-related issues. Seeing how caregiving has affected many of my clients, friends, and neighbors, I know that it can take a toll on the caregiver themselves. Therefore, it's really important for caregivers to take care of themselves, to stay healthy, and have some downtime for themselves so they don't burn out or have their own health issues. So, if you are a caregiver, look towards your employer, your community, and other resources. Consider programs like adult day care, respite care or home health aides to help balance you balance your life with their needs and to provide them with some opportunities for social interaction and care.

Take care of yourself as you take care of Grandma and Grandpa!

Yours truly,
Coach Natalie