Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Cherish Your Parents in your Super Busy Life

Last night at my daughter's gymnastics class I overheard two moms talking about their annoying mothers. They complained about how often they called and how they were such a pain in the butt. They said that they really didn't have time for such nonsense in their super busy lives.

A third mom came over and joined the conversation. As she listened her face changed suddenly. She looked the other two moms directly in the eyes and shared how she recently lost her mom. She regretted similar complaints and only now wished she'd have the opportunity to hear her mom's voice even just one more time. She wished she'd appreciate her mom more when she were alive. She wished she'd taken more time out of her super busy life to visit more often or to at least listen more deeply when her mom called.

It's so easy to complain about those pesky relatives when they're alive and vying for our time and attention. What can you do today so that you have no regrets tomorrow?

Just think about it and do what feels right for you!

Yours truly,
Coach Natalie